Two Headed Snake of Key West

Two_Headed_Snake_of__Cover_for_Kindle       PUBLISHED in Paperback, Kindle and audio formats

The fiery orb melts across the horizon, cannons rumble, cheers resound and the partying begins in Key West.  Looking for adventure, Liz and Garret Adams leave their homeport, Mystic, Connecticut and sail their 36 foot sloop to Florida.

Mayhem follows amidst the palm trees and tropical breezes.  Greed, power and jealousy cause brittle relationships to snap.  Liz’s uncontrollable psychic powers kick into gear, thrusting the unsuspecting cruising couple into a race to prove a friend’s innocence.


“This book will keep you guessing right up until the end and then bam it hits you like a ton of bricks, a totally unexpected ending.”

“A fast-moving tale with lots of unexpected developments that succeeded in keeping my interest throughout. The three different plot lines were brought together with aplomb and the final, pivotal twist was well executed and provided a satisfying ending to this light-hearted adventure story with a dash of romance.”