Blog Archives

Analysis Paralysis

Are you stuck and unable to get out of your own way?  What is blocking you from pursuing your heart’s desire?  Analysis Paralysis traps many of us.  The ego plays devil’s advocate, shouting every “what if” we can imagine. Our insecurities devastate the dreams that we cherish. Instead of striking out boldly, we cower in fear.

Too much in my head and not enough in my heart, I languished. A friend gave me a gentle nudge to begin by taking the first step, writing one paragraph. When the flame has gone out, grab a match and some kindling. You are precious, capable, unique and special. The ego tries to protect you from hurt, but what is life without risk?

Pursue whatever makes your heart sing.  All of us must deal with survival on this planet, but the heart longs for more.  Write the song, play the guitar, plant the garden, cook your favorite comfort food or take up a new sport.  Whatever feels right, do it. 

Our journey here is pre-destined. A veil protects us from knowing when it will be our last day. Our purpose is to learn and expand our souls. Happiness is here, but it is a choice. Start each day with joy, welcoming whatever comes.

“What the world needs now is love, sweet love,” Dionne Warwick and Burt Bacharach. Get out of your head and into your heart.  Life is meant to be lived.


Life is Like a Wheel

Self Help- Wisdom, Hope, Inspiration

Inspirational and motivational quotes from some of the greats to brighten your day.


Self-care is not selfish.  When exhausted from responsibilities, resentment brews beneath a thin veneer.  Instead of turning to anti-depressants, alcohol or illegal drugs, take time for self-care.  It is Win/Win for your loved ones and you.

  1. Be in the moment. Give yourself a few minutes each day to be, not think. 
  2. Take a break from stress. A five-minute walk can change perspective.
  3. Treat yourself to simple comforts. You deserve it.
  4. Play.  Connect with your inner child and have fun.
  5. Dare to Dream. Everything man-made was once someone’s dream.
How many images can you discover?

Come Together

Come Together3





Snug Harbor

harbor mackinac island

Captain sets the anchor firm

In safe, calm anchorage

Two A.M. in howling winds

The anchor frees its hold


Set adrift with no control

The vessel doomed to crash

Waves are whipped to beer-like froth

React or blow away


Harbor snug was perfect choice

Or so the captain thought

Storms disrupt the best laid plans

To teach, so we may learn


Lives on Earth are fleeting times

For soul progression growth

Thrust outside the comfort zone

Be lost or reach for home


Guidance there, for us to ask

Free will, but help nearby

Practice stillness listening

The angels wait to aid


Life is full of miracles

Go forth, fear not, be brave

God’s got this, the plan is set

Believe! Feel Joy! Rejoice!